NPT published by The Sunday Times as a technology company to watch

Nova Pangaea Technologies (NPT) was featured in the online and print edition of The Sunday Times, 17th and 19th January 2025, respectively. NPT was selected as a Ones to Watch of only eight technology companies, as part of the inaugural Sunday Times 100 Tech.
This year, the eight companies are all founded or led by women. This spotlight on women leaders signifies their talent, capability and the immense contribution they make to industry and in helping to deliver impactful change and growth, and in highly specialised sectors.
A scale-up clean technology company, such as NPT, requires a technical focus alongside business and project investment, and this takes strong leadership and a team with multiple skillsets to drive and deliver success, and shareholder return.
Sarah Ellerby commented:
“It’s truly an honour to be identified as a company in The Sunday Times Ones to Watch and be part of such an impressive group, including as one of the eight of female leaders. It’s inspiring to see innovation and leadership showcased in this way, and I’m proud to stand alongside such talented peers driving change in the tech industry. We congratulate all the women and their organisations in this feature and The Sunday Times 100 tech companies named.
“Thank you to our partners, investors and supporters for following and supporting our journey. I am fortunate to be working alongside a world-class team with exceptional skills and a shared commitment to our mission placing us in a powerful position to deliver a sustainable future through our REFNOVA® technology.”